Monday, February 13, 2017

Tool to Fix Flash Drive Corrupt

Tool to Fix Flash Drive Corrupt

Many problem on usb flash drive;
1. file system RAW, or file system unknown
2. used space 0, free space 0
3. wrong detect capacity, example 4gb detect 10,6Mb
4. can not format, format from disk management, direct format, or format used third party software
5. when format show error, the disk is write protected
6. when inserted, usb device not recognized
7. when format, show error, the disk is enable to complete format, etc

Before repair is done, make sure, you recover all data and make sure all data has been saved. For all case above, data can be recover. To recover data, use third party software.
To fix usb flash drive corrupt or error, use software ChipGenius to detect Chip Vendor, chip part number, and many information. Important information from ChipGenius is tool to fix the problem.

ChipGenius is tool to fix USB Flash Drive. How to use this tool, to fix some case, you can watch video below. Before use this software, I recommended to watch video below, and learn how to use it.

Repair Flash Drive Write Protect, RAW, Unformated and corrupt

Download ChipGenius_v4_00_0807 (2015-08-07)

ChipGenius is online software, make sure you have internet connection to get latest update of tools.
If tools to fix flash is not available, you can find tool on Search engine, write Chip vendor and part number on search box.

Good luck.

Available link for download