Sunday, October 23, 2016

Troubleshooting Adobe Flash Player 10 3 181 14 Flashes in Sections and Not in Correct places in IE9 Error

Troubleshooting Adobe Flash Player 10 3 181 14 Flashes in Sections and Not in Correct places in IE9 Error

Adobe Flash Player Flashes in Sections and Not in Correct places in IE9

Adobe Flash Player detected a new version to download.
(v I downloaded the new version and now on many websites ads, news videos, slideshows, etc flash sections of the pictures or videos across the upper rightÿportion of IE 9.
The videos are
not pinned to the part of the website where theyÿnormally appear.
I am using the 32 bit free download version in the 32 bit version of IE 9 as is recommended by Adobe.
I have uninstalled Flash Player and reinstalled it.
This issue returns with the new version.
I read in one of Adobes support forums that this is an issue with many people and even affects some Android phones.
I would like to know if there is something I can do to correct this issue or if there is a way to uninstall v10.3.181.14 and reinstall the
previous version.
This issue has made it very difficult to use the internet since it makes parts of some websites unusable because the flashing parts of Adobes software do not let me click on links they are covering.
The new version of Flash Player does work
when playing vidoes once you get away from the page where this issue occurs.

Solutions to the Problem Adobe Flash Player Flashes in Sections and Not in Correct places in IE9

Download SmartPCFixer to Fix It (Free)

Holy wow, I cant believe it, but I think I figured this out.
Frigging Adobe! And now I noticed that someone posted my same solution!
Still, Im pretty proud of my troubleshooting.
Dont know if any one of these steps solved the problem, or which one -- if any -- is the only solution, but here are the steps I took to solve the problem.
Id suggest starting with the last step first, in case you dont need to do any of the other things.
My Setup: Dell 15R Laptop Windows 7 IE 9 1.

Unchecked "Hardware Acceleration" in the Flash settings.
Others have noticed that if you right-click on the frame where the Flash SHOULD be playing, you can select and open the Flash settings.
However, the settings dialog box appear in
the middle of wherever theÿheck the flash image is playing -- in these cases, the upper-left corner of the webpage.
Use the Tab key to navigate through the various options, the Enter/Return key to "push" a button, and the Space Bar to select a radio button
or check/tick box.
Unfortunately for me, none of those keys would uncheck the "Hardware Acceleration" box, so I opened Firefox, went to the same webpage, right-clicked on the Flash image, chose Flash Settings, and unchecked it there.
This setting seemed to
carry over to Internet Explorer.
Updated all video drivers.
I went and found every available opportunity to update video drivers, display/monitor drivers, video cards, etc., and updated them.
Windows Update.
I also did a full Windows Update for all the required, security and optional recommendations.
Checked "Use software rendering instead of GPU Rendering" in Advanced Internet Options.
Internet Options Advanced check the "Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering".
Restart Internet Explorer.
It was after this last step when the problem was fixed.
Good luck, folks.
Long live overly technical operating software.

Because of this Adobe Flash Player Flashes in Sections and Not in Correct places in IE9 error, Windows can fail in starting some processes and the systems performance can significantly slow down. In some cases, Windows has problems starting up and the system can freeze.

Lastly, this error Adobe Flash Player Flashes in Sections and Not in Correct places in IE9 can even result in the Blue screen of death error message, just like other critical Windows errors. If any of the above problems and symptoms occur in your PC, then you should immediately seek to resolve this problem.

In order to resolve Adobe Flash Player Flashes in Sections and Not in Correct places in IE9 error or repair the corrupted and damaged Windows files, you will need a Adobe Flash Player Flashes in Sections and Not in Correct places in IE9 error repair tool. There is more than one method of treating this kind of error code, and here is how you can manually do it:

  1. Start the computer and log in as administrator
  2. Go to the start button and select All Programs. Go to Accessories, System Tools, and then System Restore
  3. Click on System Restore and in a new window, select the Restore my computer to an earlier times option and click Next
  4. On the new confirmation window that appears, click Next
  5. Restart your computer after the restoration has been completed

Recommended Method to Fix the Problem: Adobe Flash Player Flashes in Sections and Not in Correct places in IE9:

How to Fix Adobe Flash Player Flashes in Sections and Not in Correct places in IE9 with SmartPCFixer?

1. Click the button to download SmartPCFixer . Install it on your computer.  Open it, and it will scan your system. The errors will be shown in the list.

2. After the scan is finished, you can see the errors and problems need to be fixed. Click Fix All.

3. When the Fixing part is done, your computer has been speeded up and the errors have been removed

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Available link for download