Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Top Five Posts of 2013

Top Five Posts of 2013

This is the last month of the year 2013. lot of things have been changed since i started this Blog. I was too busy this year and therefor did not write too much new stuff but still there are few posts which were getting back to back visits and comments this year. I am listing five most visited posts of this year.

SCG top five posts of the 2011
  1. Find out Admin of Facebook Page
  2. Watch Free Live TV on Mobile Phone
  3. Cool VBScript Prank
  4. Hack Passwords using Actual Spy Keylogger
  5. Disable Background Windows Update by Disabling BITS
Keep mailing me your suggestions and queries. Suggest me topics to write.
Have a nice year ahead! Happy New Year 2014 :)

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